Have you always wanted to know which specialty beers you have already tasted?
Have you always wanted to know which beers you've already tasted, but you're not sure which ones they are? Then we have the solution for you. Download the untappd app and easily keep track of which beers you have already tasted.

1. You click on the plus sign in the app to add a beer.
2. You tap which beer you have in front of you.
3. Add a photo of the beer.
4. You rate the beer based on a drag bar that goes from 0.00 to 5.00.
5. You click on CHECK-IN and the beer will be added to your collection.
While enjoying your beers, are you still looking for a matching glass to make your experience as fantastic as possible? Then take a look at our webshop www.Bierfan.nl and score your favorite special/beer glasses.